10363760_10152404818583890_5082372682475903264_n“Entrepreneurship is a calling, just like being called to the ministry. It is derived from a French word meaning, “one who creates something new,” and is meant to bring growth and advancement to a community or nation. When God transforms a city or region for His kingdom , one of the things he does is set entrepreneurs and business leaders to place along with missionaries and priests. They both have a grace to turn the economy around and advance the kingdom of God.”~ Bill Winston

Presently we are seeking individuals who are ready to become entrepreneurs. Inbox me for more info or BBMme:7406B80C Or call +2347033695070 or email:

Or go to: and click on “Get started for free right now!” on the home page. Do It Now! #GoodNews!

Study what’s working- God has new ways of blessing you.

If I had never been fired, I wouldn’t have developed the skills that made me who I am in life today, by God’s Grace.

Discover the champion in you! Get ready for increase!


WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms around. For good reason too, since it’s very simple to install, and use. At WhoGoHost, you can install WordPress through QuickInstall or manually. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the QuickInstall route for a WordPress self-hosted installation, since it’s a bit easier and only takes a click or two.

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Scroll down to the Software/Services section and click on the QuickInstall icon/link.Install WordPress from cPanel
  3. On the left under Blog Software, click on WordPressClick on WordPress
  4. Click on ContinueClick on Continue
  5. Fill out the Application URL, if needed.
    Note: This is the path where you want to install WordPress to. If you leave this field blank, WordPress will be installed to your main domain. If you use ‘blog’ in this field then WordPress would be installed to Don’t leave this blank if you don’t want WordPress to be your main website, or if you already have content on the root of your account
  6. Fill in the rest of the fields and options (the email, blog title, first and last name can be changed later through the WordPress Dashboard)
  7. Click Install Now!WordPress Install Now!
  8. After WordPress is finished installing, you should see a “Congratulations!” message like the one below with a link to click here. Click that link, and it will bring you to your newly installed WordPress blog!CONGRATULATIONS!